Vaccinations in UAE

Vaccinations in UAE

If you’re planning a move to the UAE, you may be wondering about mandatory and recommended immunizations to safeguard against infectious diseases and health concerns. Understanding which vaccines are necessary or advisable before your relocation and how to access vaccination services for yourself and your family while in the UAE is crucial.

Fortunately, the UAE boasts a world-class healthcare system that consistently attracts a significant number of medical tourists. Additionally, the government has established compulsory vaccination requirements for children, spanning from birth to around 16 to 17 years of age.

In this guide, we will provide comprehensive information regarding vaccinations in UAE for your family, covering the following:

Vaccinations in UAE

Healthcare and Vaccinations in UAE

In the UAE, healthcare is primarily overseen by the Ministry for Health and Prevention (MOHAP). However, healthcare services within each emirate are generally managed by their respective health authorities.

Access to healthcare, including vaccinations, is available to all individuals in the UAE. Nevertheless, expatriates often rely on private healthcare services, which can be relatively costly. Some employers may include health insurance as part of their employment packages, with the extent of coverage often linked to the employee’s salary and job position.

An option for those seeking a more affordable healthcare solution is to apply for a national public health card from MOHAP. This card provides a 50% discount on private healthcare services, making it accessible at rates equivalent to those offered to UAE nationals. However, it’s essential to note that only a limited number of healthcare facilities accept this discount, and obtaining the card typically involves a fee of AED 500.

For expatriates applying for a residency visa, a mandatory medical fitness examination is required. This examination includes screenings for Hepatitis B and C, along with other health assessments. Hepatitis B vaccinations are obligatory for expatriates in specific professions, including:

  1. Nannies
  2. Housekeepers
  3. Supervisors of nurseries or kindergartens
  4. Health workers
  5. Individuals employed in hairdressers, beauty salons, and health clubs.

Health Insurance for Vaccinations in UAE

In Abu Dhabi and Dubai, possessing health insurance is a legal requirement for residents. Failing to have health insurance in Abu Dhabi can result in a monthly fine of AED 300, while Dubai imposes a fine of AED 500 for non-compliance.

Additionally, the government mandates that proof of health insurance is a prerequisite for visa renewals and residency applications.

The extent of vaccination coverage you receive may vary based on your specific health insurance plan and its provided benefits.

Various international health insurance companies operate within the UAE, including:

Children Vaccinations in UAE

For parents expecting a baby in the UAE, it’s crucial to understand that child vaccinations are obligatory from the moment of birth. The Ministry of Health and Prevention provides a vaccination card for children, documenting all administered vaccines along with their respective dates. It is imperative to bring this card to your child’s vaccination appointments to ensure proper tracking and compliance.

For UAE residents, children’s vaccines are provided free of charge until they reach the age of five at government hospitals and clinics.

In the UAE, the standard childhood vaccination schedule follows this sequence:

  1. BCG and Hepatitis B vaccines: Administered after birth.
  2. Hepatitis B, HiB, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Accellular Pertussis, Polio, and PCV vaccines: Administered at two months of age.
  3. HiB, Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Accellular Pertussis, Polio, and PCV vaccines: Administered at four months of age.
  4. Hepatitis B, HiB, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, and PCV vaccines: Administered at six months of age.
  5. MMR and Varicella vaccines: Administered at 12 months of age.
  6. HiB, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Accellular Pertussis, Polio, and PCV vaccines: Administered at 18 months of age.
  7. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Accellular Pertussis, Polio, MMR, and Varicella vaccines: Administered in Grade 1.
  8. Rubella vaccine (for girls only): Administered in Grade 9.
  9. Tetanus, Reduced Diphtheria, Reduced Pertussis, Polio, and HPV (for girls only) vaccines: Administered in Grade 11.

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Vaccinations in UAE

COVID-19 Vaccinations in UAE

COVID-19 vaccinations are readily accessible across the UAE, and they are provided at no cost to residents and individuals who meet the medical eligibility criteria.

For comprehensive information regarding COVID-19, including vaccination schedules, locations, and the latest updates in the UAE, please refer to the official resources related to coronavirus in the UAE.

Vaccinations for Special Groups in the UAE

In addition to the mandatory immunizations, certain special groups of adults in the UAE are encouraged to receive additional vaccines, particularly those at higher risk of specific diseases:

  1. Pneumococcal Influenza Vaccine (PPSV): Recommended for individuals with conditions such as diabetes, chronic heart disease (excluding hypertension), chronic alcoholism, smoking, chronic renal failure, chronic liver disease, asplenia, transplant recipients, and those undergoing immunosuppressant therapy.

  2. Influenza Vaccine: Advised for healthcare personnel.

  3. Hepatitis A Vaccine: Suggested for individuals with chronic liver disease, prison inmates, and employees.

  4. Hepatitis B Vaccine: Recommended for individuals with chronic renal failure, healthcare personnel, prison inmates, and employees.

  5. MMR Vaccine: Advised for healthcare personnel.

Notably, individuals who have undergone a bone marrow transplant are typically advised to receive multiple doses of various vaccines, beginning 12 months after their transplantation.

Pregnant women are also considered an at-risk group. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that you are up-to-date with vaccinations before becoming pregnant. Pregnant women are recommended to receive the influenza vaccine, especially if they are expecting during the flu season. Ideally, this vaccination should be administered during the first trimester. In some cases, a combined tetanus and diphtheria vaccine may also be necessary, particularly if the individual has an incomplete primary vaccination history or if more than 10 years have passed since the last booster shot.

Travel Vaccinations in UAE

Travel vaccination requirements for entry into the UAE can vary based on your nationality. It’s advisable to verify the specific requirements with the United Arab Emirates embassy or consulate in your region prior to your travel.

For additional guidance on travel vaccinations, you can also consult the Centers for Disease Control.

Mandatory vaccines may include the meningococcal vaccine and yellow fever vaccine for journeys to certain destinations. Additionally, recommended vaccines for travelers encompass:

  1. Typhoid
  2. Hepatitis A
  3. Hepatitis B
  4. Rabies
  5. Special vaccines, such as Japanese Encephalitis and Lyme Disease vaccines.

Whether your health insurance covers travel vaccinations depends on your insurance provider and the particular plan you have selected.